Tuesday, May 1, 2012

EAt to Loose WeiGht!!!

We starve, we exercise and we pray to get the perfect body but wat if we can actually EAT to help get and maintain that fab body each of us craves for.
Below is a list of healthy food items that help in a healthy weight loss.

Olive oil :       
Olive oil is considered to be one the healthiest of oils by many nutrionists across the globe. It not just reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good cholesterol in the blood, but it also keeps you full for longer.

 Tomatoes are great for health due to their high vitamin C and antioxidant levels. They are also low in calories. They can be had in almost any form- in soup, salad, in a dal and even raw. Tomatoes not only keep heart diseases and cancer away, but will also make your skin glow. These keep you fuller for longer too.

Lemon: Vitamin C in lemon boosts metabolism, thus keeping you slim. “Fresh lemon juice had with warm water twice a day is considered  a really good weight loss technique.

Green tea: Green tea is a great source of antioxidants.These speed up metabolism and fat burning.A cup or two of green tea a day will also help you lower levels of bad cholesterol.And this is one option i sure vy for..

Walnuts: Widely known as brain food, walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. This helps in keeping you full and therefore, makes for a good snack.

Yogurt: Yogurt is a good source of protein and calcium that helps you burn fat.It also is a great source of  probiotic bacteria which keeps your digestive system healthy.

Prunes: Low in calories, high in fibre, prunes also have a low glycemic index,so they can be eaten by diabetics too. Known to keep you fuller for longer, this is also a good blood purifier.

Carrots: Carrots are a good source of complex carbs that keep you from getting hungry too quickly. They are also a good source of fibre vitamins A and B complex. These improve your bowel movements too.

Oats: Oats in the form of bars and cookies are another healthy snack. It is high in fibre and will keep you fuller for longer. For that matter, any grain eaten whole is healthier as they help you absorb other nutrients better.

Spinach: Spinach is one of the healthiest vegetables around. It is loaded with fibre, iron and folate. A cupful of spinach has only 35 calories and can be had in almost any form from dals and soups to salads and with pastas too.

Flax seeds: Eaten plain or sprinkled on salads, flax seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. It also keeps your cholesterol levels in check and aids digestion.

Pears: Pears contain pectin fibre that helps in decreasing blood sugar. Pears are considered to help in weight loss as they limit the amount of fat cells by limiting the amount of fat your cells can absorb.
Pectin also causes cells to release excess fat deposits.

Fish: Fish can also be called heart food as they are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity which increases muscle mass. And muscle mass increases your ability to burn fat .

Broccoli: Broccoli is a great source of vitamins A and C and calcium too. Make soup out of it or add it to whole wheat pasta for a wholesome low-cal meal.

Eggs: Eggs are a healthy source of protein. A medium-sized egg contains only 70 calories. Eggs contain amino acids that aid fat loss. They also helps to stabilise blood sugar levels and maintain lean muscle tissue. Consuming only the white of the egg is advisable as the yellow has a high fat content.

So... Include thesein ur diet,exercise regularly and enjoy a healthy and beautiful body..

1 comment:

  1. i really like this post.It has been helpfull.
    thank you.
