Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Momo Hut...Let's Eat!!!

A word of caution here..
The name totally suits the place because It not only serves amazing Momos but it sure does even look like a poor man’s HUT!
So,If you are looking for a place with even an average ambience then this place is just a NO..
Having said this,I am a die hard fan of this place and a regular.
The reason….”Amazing Amazing Food!” at great prices.

It is  a little Tibetan place tucked away in Koramamgla beside the towering Hotel Empire.The momos both the steamed and fried ones are great but what is worth a mention is the authentic Tibetan dishes. All the dishes are available in 3 varieties:Veg,Chicken and beef!

My Hot favourite is the “Chicken THENTUK”.
It is soup like with shredded pieces of chicken,spring onions, and radishes in an awesomely flavoured chicken broth.It tastes like heaven and is so mild on the stomach and am sure quite light on the calories too..
The other dishes include a Noodle soup,Thukpa and the usual Chinese noodles.
The Thukpa is a great looking dish with a flower shaped momo dough bread which is served yet again with a highly flavourful semi dry  chicken.
And now..Wait for the best part…In this super high priced Bangalore here is a place that serves its food at jus Rs 50 per plate.
I know..Just unbelievable!!
So if you are on the look out for a place serving decent food but which is light on the pocket then THIS is your place..

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